Floor graphics on outside steps and in reception areas
Floor graphics on rough outdoor surfaces such as asphalt
Floor graphics on smooth floors
Floor graphics on carpeted floors
Product advantages
Meets anti-slip standards ANSI A137.1 / A326.3 and Pendulum Test EN BS
7976:2, as well as R12 according to DIN 51130 and DIN 51097 for slip
resistance in wet barefoot areas
Especially rough surface
Suitable for indoor and outdoor use
Classified to Euroclass flame retardant standard DIN EN 13501-1 in conjunction with printed floor graphics films WrapTheStreet ASLAN DFP 46, WrapTheFloor ASLAN DFP 47 and WrapTheCarpet ASLAN DFP 49
Insurance cover against potential personal injury
Face film
PVC-film, polymeric softened, with special coating